Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Make More Money | Between Blogger, Employee and Marketers, Who Really Are You?

Hi there, its been more than 3 years since i've knew how to blogging using blogspot, and since i become a blogger, i've tried to find something that can give me more chances to earn more money from blogging. But it seems little bit harder when i created my first blog on blogspot, because as an employee who really doesn't know about SEO, i found myself many obstacle to get more traffic to my first blog.

As i know that if we want to make more money by blogging is we may put some ads in our blog, so i created my first Google adsense and put it on my blog, but the earning is so slow because that was my first experince to deal with reader who wants to click my ads in my blog.

Then the time passed by, i found so many way to earning money beside from blogging, they are PTC, selling links, paid review, etc, and finally i lost my track to keep blogging and make money from it.

But keeping doing so, i find there are many useless time if i keep join with other make money program beside blogging, so i decided to get back on blogging again and find more visitors who wants to give comments or wants to buy my product on my blog.

in 2010 i've joined with one of the famoust internet marketing course which tought me how to build as many as i could of amazon minisite, because they already have many students who succeded with the affiliate programs with amazon and grab thousand dollars from there.

So in 2010, i started my journey as internet marketer and get more money from selling amazon's products, a lots of product i have succesfully sold on my amazon minisite, such as fuji 1800 digital camera, nikon d7000 price, 3 in 1 smart trike, pn50c450 samsung hdtv and many more website, but i still keep blogging, because blogging is my hobby and i love writing. So making minisite amazon and blogging are become my daily activity.

So how about my job as a civil designer, i don't think that i should left this job, because of i have allready make more money from blogging and as an affiliate doesn't mean that i should left this great job. i love this job, i started 15 years ago, from salary 250 thousands rupiahs and now i have almost 40 times than my first salary in 1995, what a bless!, so i still keep my job until this secondary carrer as blogger and marketer needs me more than my primary carrer need me.

What i'm trying to say is if you want to be a succesfull person, don't let your chances to be intimidated by other carreer, bring them together, it's ok to have many possibilities to earn money from all sides, don't listen to other people who suggest if you want success you must foccus on single carrer or position, but me my self, i bring them together

Because honestly i want to make a passive income by building as many as website on the internet to make more money because when i retired there are no problem of making money then.

Wise man said if you want to be succesfull person in the future, you can start from now to build your empire.

And that's who really i am, i am a blogger, an employee and a marketers, i bring them together in order to make my life so complete as one. And who really you are? give your best comments down here, ok ?see ya.

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